Tuesday, August 23, 2005


New Layout

As you can probably tell if you've been reading this blog for more than a day, the layout has just changed. Serenity isn't even out yet and I already dumped that theme. I was tired of the dark blackness... too generic-feeling. This one's more cutom. I actually put a little effort into it, with some help from Cat. This more light and airy and condusive to entertaining reading, methinks. It's still a work in progress.. not sure how I want to change it though. Who knows if I ever will. Cause I am LAZyyyyyy. I do things on a whim and if the whim passes.. well then I don't even finish what I'm...

So yeah, I basically figured I should post to christen the new layout. It doesn't mean I have anything to actually write about or anything. Right now I'm on staff duty.. which is like when you stay up all night and housesit the office for the most part. It's not so bad cause Catrina is on to talk to me. We have actually gotten to talk a lot lately which is really nice. It's nice to continue to grow closer to someone even when you're far away from them. She'll be going to UCSD soon so I'll probably see less of her then. By then I'll only have a couple months left of this wretched deployment though. I'm trying to count them more these days. (Fantastic girlfriend, near-finished deployment; that's two at least!)

I get to go on on Pass to Qatar on Friday, as I've mentioned. Perhaps I'll have more tales to tell when I get back from there. I'm kind of hoping not though, because my main goal is to just relax. And to tan. :-p So yeah, possibly a new post then I come back.

please tell them to add a "u."

thank you.
Tell who to add a "u" to what?
ugh, bennie! my ongoing campaign! you haven't been reading my LJ carefully enough!

tell "them" they must add a "u" to "qatar"...b/c i said so.
again i say..."and this is news to you???"

love you bennie! thanks for the chat!!!
Erin, they both exist.

Qatar and Quatar.

Heh. ;)
I see that it's gray now!! It was my laptop that was making the colors weird, but on the desktop it IS gray. Catrina is not that colorblind afterall. Phew!

Although on this computer, the layout looks even cooler.

And.. I have no idea if they're the same.
Glad to know Iiii'm not the crazy one, Cat. :-p

And good, Erin! That anonymous shit was getting old! :-p
No, no, you're still crazy.
Like a FOX!
Your shit STINKS!

Okay, I thought that was reaaaally funny. I'm such a five year old.

Just realized it says Squisher of Scorpions. Eww.
Well I squished one. So I'm aptly-named.
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