Saturday, October 23, 2004


Yes, I've got the scratch.

This is cool. Okay, so like I knew I'd be getting something like $250/month extra for hazard pay while I'm in Iraq, but from what some of the others in my platoon have been saying, we get the following:

Hazard Pay (~$220)
Defensive Fire Pay (~$100)
Seperate Rations (~$250)
The total extra pay on that being about $570

Also, we'll be paying NO Federal taxes, which for me is about $250/month right now.. so that brings my total extra pay up to like...

$820-ish... That's a lot of green, yo. I am most pleased.

Also, I'll be a Specialist in 3-7 months, and at that point I'll be making something like $125 more per month.

So yes, I no plan to use money as toilet paper. Okay, not really... I'm sure it'll burn a hole right through my pocket. The sad part is that I can't really use it for about a year, so right now I'm forced to actually save up for things. Still, beats being dirt poor like I have been in the past. Heh.

Oh, and can I say how cool it is that It's the Cards vs. the Red Socks for the World Series? I don't normally like baseball, but that's a really cool match-up. I don't know who to root for. Most of all, I'm pleased that the high-priced Yankees got spanked. In yo FACE!

Go St. Louis! And Boston!

I HATE BOSTON!!!! Go Cardinals!

P.S. Yankees rule
Whaaat? Who said that! You have to say who you are, don't be a coward! Besides, if I like you enough I might join you in rooting for the Cards. I can't decide between the two anyway. Maybe I should have people debate eachother, presenting me the pros and cons for each team and why I should root for them.

Yes. I'm sure participation would be at a maximum.
Generally, I support all teams in red jerseys, but this is an EXCEPTION!! The enmity between the New York Yankees and the Boston Red Sox is keeping me from rooting for them. BOSTON FANS DESERVE NOTHING!@#!!!

Why is it everyone I meet who grew up in Boston is an unmitigated jerk? Okay, I admit. There are some mitigated ones as well.
Conan O'Brien grew up in Boston, yo!
He became cool when he moved to NY.
He became cool when he moved to NY.
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