Saturday, September 24, 2005


Your friendly neighborhood weblog slinger.

J'ai acheté la version de marché noir du Transporteur 2, mais elle est en français seulement. Elle a des sous-titres anglais cependant, ainsi je pourrais juste l'observer de toute façon.

Tyson (the roommate) got a DVD of Unleashed that looks like the final production copy though! Good picture, cool cover art, neat menu, extra features, and everything. That movie was very good. And it's not just a kick-ass action flick like most Jet Li movies. And Morgan Freeman was really good in it too. It takes place in Glasgow, so you know its' cool. It's the kind of movie you can take your girlfriend to. ..although I can take my girlfriend to all kinds of movies.

There isn't much time to go over here. I'm trying to get a little more in shape and do all of the things I need to do before I go. I need to send some things home and mail/email family and friends that I've been neglecting. I feel bad for not mailing my relatives from Minnesota. Cause they rock and my cousin from there is in the Marines (stationed near San Diego still, I believe). Soon it'll be time to start mailing stuff home too. A lot of the stuff I have has to be carried home or shipped in the connex though. I just need to get a few things home to Illinois and some stuff back to Ft. Bragg.. so I'll have stuff to wear and use immediately when I get home. I'm very anxious to live a normal life again. Only a couple months or so to go.

Catrina just started college at UCSD. She seems to really like it. It sounds like there are a lot of really great experiences out there for her. There's even a hanggliding cliff overhanging a nude beach! :-p We'd go together, but I'm too fat to ever meet the combined weight limit. Even though she's light as a feather. ;)

She's really made me feel like a priority since she's been there. I was a little afraid she'd be so into college and college activities and doing stuff with friends that we wouldn't get to talk much. But no, we've been able to talk a lot and she's been super sweet to me. The missing eachother is getting shittier, but I guess that's to be expected. I'm SO glad I'm coming home soon. Iraq sucks, in case there was any question.

I've been swamped at work, but my work ethic is shot so I won't stay late or come in on my days off voluntarily. Stuff gets done when it gets done. Working hard just shortens your lifespan in somecases, methinks. I'm not going to stress about stuff just because someone wants to dump an enormous amount of work on me all at once and expect it to be done in an unreasonable amount of time. I'm not a machine!
..or am I? *que James Brown music*

I've been concerned with my body (As usual. *yawn* Such a bore.) lately. My skin is a lot looser than it used to be because of weight loss. I was looking around for tips on how to tighten it up and I found some good ones. Basically tanning and lotions won't do shit for you. The main things are 1) increase muscle in that area to make the skin cling to it a little, 2) wait.. sometimes it'll tighten up almost completely within a year or two (probably two with my luck), and 3) ..basically says, "Lose more weight. You're not as skinny as you think you are you fat tub-o-lard."

..good advice. I should just take a chill pill (haha) and relax about it. Like a normal person!

Now, if you'll excuse me I think I just heard something about free food around here.

Sunday, September 11, 2005


Patriot's Day

Today is 9/11.

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